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Vascular Specialty Center physician first in region to use novel device for treatment of peripheral vascular disease

Baton Rouge LA – Vascular Specialty Center (VSC) physician Dr. Joseph M. Griffin recently became the first physician in the greater Baton Rouge/Gulf South region to use the Bard Crosser Catheter in the treatment of vascular disease. Dr. Griffin used the FDA approved Bard Crosser Catheter to restore blood flow in a long segment of blocked artery in order to prevent amputation. “This new technology is increasing our success rates of crossing arterial occlusions as compared to prior technology. In some circumstances of arterial occlusions the only option is to perform conventional bypass surgery; but now we are able treat
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Carotid Artery Disease and Stroke

Every 45 seconds, someone suffers a stroke in the United States. It is the third leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer. As our population ages, more individuals will be at risk for suffering a stroke. 2/3 of stokes are due to complications of hypertension, which is an elevation in blood pressure. 1/3 is due to peripheral vascular disease (arterial blockages) that forms in the main blood vessels that carry blood to the brain. These blood vessels are known as the carotid arteries. For this reason, control of blood pressure and surveillance for carotid artery blockage are the
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